Are Almonds Getting a Bad Rep?
On Mar 5, 2020
#mythbusters: almond farms aren't hurting the planet.
I'm sure you've heard the negative rumors floating around about almonds, water usage and the bee population. We dug deep into these issues and here's what we found:
While almond trees do use a lot of water, almond farmers are incredibly efficient with their water use. How? Instead of using irrigation (which can have negative environmental impacts from overwatering), almond farmers use ground or recycled water. That means smarter water use then most crops.
But wait.. there's more. Almond trees are perennial plants, meaning they grow from their roots and do not need to be replanted every year. By not being dug up year after year, these trees are creating a soil-rich environment. Crops that get dug up every year (like oats) completely deplete the soil, turning it to dirt, as well as require chemical fertilizers that pollute air and waterways.
Okay, one more thing. The relationship between organic almonds and bees is actually mutually beneficial. It's a different story when it comes to non-organic almond farms, which is why we always choose to use organic! Check out this article HERE.
In an (almond) nutshell, the headlines that almonds are bad for the planet isn't actually true. You have to dig deeper to understand the truth.
We source only organic almonds from responsible farmers and are working toward using ingredients that come from regenerative farms.
As consumers, our dollars dictate how companies think about and solve these problems. Spend your dollars wisely! In addition, here are a few ways you can continue to reduce your carbon footprint:
▶ No more single use plastic. Bring your coffee mug!
▶ Eat seasonally, locally, and mainly plant-based.
▶ Boycott Tetra Paks.
▶ Bike more, drive less.