Rebel Friday: Live Yum Yum
On Jun 12, 2020Some rules are meant to be broken and today's REBEL is kicking down doors in our favorite system to disrupt- the FOOD SYSTEM!
Hilary Boynton and her team @LiveYumYum are on a mission to teach people (especially kiddos) about REAL FOOD. They make it fun, easy and always delicious. Hilary is an important voice in the battle to fight chronic illnesses due to food and is teaching lunch ladies all over the world how to bring wellness into their school lunch menus. This mission couldn't be more important and we are so inspired by and grateful for the work she does.
GM: What norm is your business breaking?
HB: People’s dependency on big ag and processed packaged and prepared foods. The lack of knowledge around where our food comes from, why we need to support our local farmers and food purveyors and the disconnect around food first as medicine.
GM: What's your WHY?
HB: To disrupt the trend of chronic illness in this next generation of kids, and to empower people to own their own health.
GM: What's your favorite rule to break on the reg?
HB: Sneaking things into my kids foods - maybe not breaking the rules, but they may say it is
GM: What's a rule you've broken that you've never told anyone about?
HB: I stole a pair of earrings once with a friend when I was little and I still feel bad about it to this day (they were cheap but still). I know the value of working with my hands and running my own business, so to take away from someone’s hard work and profits is so wrong! It was a valuable lesson though as I never even wanted to wear the earrings as I felt so bad.
GM: What advice do you have for future rule breakers?
HB: Always tap into your heart, and your gut, and ask for answers. If it doesn’t feel right don’t do it. Practice self care, if you don’t take care of yourself no one will benefit from your goodness. Walk your talk and remember changing the world is a marathon not a sprint. Something I heard a long time ago that drives me “What makes the great great is they don’t listen to the naysayers!”
Hilary is an amazing social entrepreneur, friend and mother and we love watching her break the rules!
Please support Hilary and her team by following them on social media at @LiveYumYum. If you live in LA you can also subscribe to their weekly meal box (click here) delivered to your door. Each box is filled with amazing local produce and items that support local foodmakers and farmers. We are HUGE fans!